Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Do any of us make the grade? Do any of us get the joke? Do any of us know if it would be worse without SSRI's? Would three of my family members still be alive if they had taken Alprozolam? Would one of them still be alive if he had not taken Avandia? Were the Nazis evil? Can anyone imagine what the Germans might have done with that genius of theirs without them?

Can they make a drug that keeps us from judging each other?
What element within our rage can we convert to love? Or are we too sophisticated for that?

This so called intelligence and this so called society are woven through and through with diabolical cancers, some of which are cancers of deceptive description of them. My dog has more compassion than most the people I meet, but only because I know him.

None of us will be saved by discriminating intellect. To paraphrase and old Islamic saying, every head has a headache.

Everywhere I fail. The ruins within me smothers all sense of future promise. Genius has submerged the fields in geometries of imagination. What I once thought was a soul is now an invisible ghost of an apostolic penitentiary dream. Will we continue to dream as we die? Will we ever understand?

The other day out of the corner of my eye I saw the face of this little boy being carried by his father. For an instant I was granted the view of what is for now his inexhaustible beauty. His life energy entered directly into the insensitive pile of used ideas called my mind. And in that instant I felt as one tied to Dostoyevsky's execution pole, oh all ending, oh all initiating, what will be the final vision?

Ad posse ad esse as the darkness descends. There are stars on the wings of your pig, my friends.

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