Thursday, December 13, 2012

whattaya nuts?

 Horror wrapped in denial scented with lies and finally the victim/sacrifice can't comprehend it is all for something bigger, must not understand since such awareness would violate their innocence which is as much an aphrodisiac to power as an Aegis missile.
What beasts crash through the gates of our illusions? Everyone dies anyway there are those who believe they have the gift to give others meaning otherwise unavailable to an unmolested life. The victims who don't become the monster can't kill him lest they lose that last shred they held onto in the well of the agonies.
Dorthy killed the wicked witch on accident, trying to save her from fire in a dream, a storm, a dream storm where the simple survivors pray and beg for you to come back to life. Here in this world of death by gold plated cruelty. Dorothy killed the wicked witch, the wicked witch, Dorothy killed the wicked witch of The West.
An accident in a dream sometimes is the only match we have. it really freaks me out to think that global consiousness is about to be overtaken by this bizarre mutation of Colonel Sanders and Mao Tse Tung (but only because it is an unfamiliar unknown, as opposed to the familiar unknown that is the west). Human rights are not exclusive to any country or ideology, what is fucked up here is fucked up there but on an entirely different level. For every story there of prematurely dead inmates giving up their skin there are ample stories here of people being shot 27 times, even through the bottom of the foot. Good luck accessing RI in Shanghai. Good luck making sense of any of it any where.
Or is it all propoganda? I have only known a few people who have travelled there and their accounts differ significantly from each other and what is commonly filtered here. rRemember that when westerners first were allowed to go there before Mao died many of them came back depressed at having to face their western culture again.
Not everything that happens is something that is defined by what it is against more than what it is for or what it simply is, regardless of the value judgements made from outside observers.

After WWII the military was injecting plutonium into volunteers that were long term prison and most likely also military personnel. Legal maneuvering was essential in light of the Nuremburg Rule after the trials of the gestapo experimentation on holocaust victim. Legally the idea was well....we get some piece of paper drawn up by our best lawyers in case the volunteer's survivors sue so we can cover our ass. At some point their was intercession of the "whattaya nuts?" variety in that the story must be buried because it doesnt matter what legal counsel concludes. The folks in Rapid City and Montaulk must always think we are not like the Nazis.
I sincerely believe that Wikileaks is one of the last great hopes of showing us just how we are, and maybe how we aren't (in which ways the same, in which ways better, and which ways worse in terms of protecting the masses from conscious complicity). It may even unveil an unbroken continuity where wars and politics are simply franchises operated by the illustrious masters of illusion. The idea being if they got away with that shit then, with all the paperclips and monarchs and MKULTRAs what else is there? What else need there be before a catalyst forms? The head may be forming. The vision of it must exist. Like Anne Sexton said all those buildings and cars were once just ideas in someone's head. A revision is possible. A coming to terms. A great unleashing of information that will bowl over a politician as surely as a damn breaking before a kneeling blind preacher praying for it to hold.
It may soon be time to storm the Bastille.
Either that or the next president makes Jim Jones look like Mr. Smith

Someone has a clinic or institute. From previous case studies a specific model is composed. You might be studying, for example, people who have dreams that seem to forsee the future. Let's say 100 people are qualified to participate in this study. Each person is a known "dreamer" who has exhibited some form of having dreams that seem to portend later events.

The laws of physics do not contain a methodology of measuring dreams against reality. Still, you press on.
Let's say you study the 100 dreamers for 100 days and in that time they report 10,000 dreams. You have funding that allows you to maintain data collection and analysis for 5 years. The dreams are categorized into personal (dreams of family), professional (dreams of work life and processes) and global (dreams of outside work-home events).
Imagine that after 5 years you are able to determine that of the 10,000 dreams nearly 3500 of them came "true."
An outside scientist could probably eliminate all but four or five of them as being coincidence. Which isn't saying it couldn't be true, but there is insubstantial proof that it is actually true.
James Joyce asked the greaet pyschological question in Ulysses: "Coincidence, or intuition?" Verification bends away hard and fast from intuition, yet some of the greatest scientific theories originated out of intuitive thinking. But once again, for every Einstein there are 100,000 Hubbards and should be a matter of no small distrubance that one barely outweighs the other.
In other words, If I put a ball on a string and drop it from a wall that is twenty feet away from another wall and the wall I am on top of is 30 ft highter than the wall and the string is attached to the side of the opposite wall I can make various observations based on experiments of varying string length and wall distance and angle as to the arc and impact of the ball as well as size and composition of the ball and even color of ball for phenomenological purposes.
If I have a dream that Michael Vic throws six touch down passes against the Packers and it happens, I have no way of proving that it is not coincidence. Even if I dream the exact outcome of all the other playoff games I cannot prove that I "saw" what happened, (I would be much better going off to Vegas than trying to convince an emeritus professor from Oregon that I have a third eye, dude, I mean really).
I would have to have EXTRAordinary evidence to prove that the dreams were not just an amazing coincidence. I would have to dream about something that could be proven was completely outside my knowledge and experience. For example, If I were a Quaker who had no television or access to internet and only had access to printed materials produced before 1890 I could dream that Benyamin Netanyahu's attache in Tel Aviv dies suddenly from a bleeding ulcer while eating in the 360 Cafe on the Montparnass in Paris and the cause is uranium oxide poisoning.... this would be extraordinary evidence, but not extraordinary proof unless it were a repeated behavior that could be verified.
The time will come when a means is devised for this without muddying the scientific fields with a bunch of egocentric loonies. This will happen from within science itself from all the professionals who have experienced the inexplicable and just can't hide it anymore.

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